The aim is to table a proposal to COTEC Foundation members for a joint reflection on the challenges facing young people in cities, and their impact on various social and economic aspects of our territories.
Leader of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country in terms of R+D jobs in technology companies ...
The aim is to table a proposal to COTEC Foundation members for a joint reflection on the challenges facing young people in cities, and their impact on various social and economic aspects of our territories.
On 13 and 14 November 2024, Fomento San Sebastian hosted a 2-day interregional event and follow-up meeting of the ENAIBLER project, cofunded within the framework ...
According to the initial data from the 2023 Economic Barometer, unemployment in San Sebastián is below the European Union average at 5.9%.
Wavegarden won the consolidated business category, while Multiverse Computing took the young business award.
On October 28th, 2024, within the framework of WeekINN, Innovation Week, organised by Fomento de San Sebastián, and in collaboration with R+D+i agents in the city, a participative activity was carried out focused
The EKINN Fest for families, the San Sebastian Science Society open to the general public and EKINN Talent, with almost 350 young people at the Reale Arena ...
On May 31, 2024, we brought together at EKINN the main stakeholders of the local R&D&I ecosystem to present and share with them the Innovation Plan 2024 of Fomento de San Sebastián. The meeting was attended ...