• WeekINN

    San Sebastian Innovation Week

The aim of Innovation Week, which first started in 2013, is to raise awareness of the commitment made by the city and its ecosystem to innovation from the perspective of different actors, sectors and groups.

With a specific theme every year, it has an ambitious programme that tries to provide opportunities for reflection and knowledge in different areas, with formal and informal activities and different themes. This all enhances the city´s brand and positions it as an innovation hub, both locally and internationally.


  • 2022

    We focused on the city's paradigmatic development over the last 20-25 years to become a city with a development model based on science and innovation. This look at the past was also intended as a point of projection into the future.
  • 2021

    Technology at the service of people or people enslaved by technology? We wanted the eighth edition to take a look at the people-technology dichotomy. We live in a world with a clear trend towards hybridisation in which technology and people coexist in all areas of life.
  • 2020

    Superchanges are events that unfold in unexpected ways that totally change our world, even though it may seem impossible, even absurd. Based on the COVID-19 Superchange, we looked at Superchanges from the perspective of 3 key factors: people, technology and collaboration.
  • 2019

    Touching on innovation? Get more citizens out on the streets! The Week INN´s most citizen-oriented week began at the weekend for the first time, with activities aimed particularly at families. This Weekinn was characterised by the variety of settings in which these activities took place..
  • 2018

    The 5th Innovation Week rolled out its activities in three key areas: education, business and internationalisation. This year, for the first time, cities such as Boston, Oslo, Helsinki, Vilnius, Utrecht and Bristol took part and we congregated at the centres in Donostia-San Sebastian for sessions aimed at capacity building.
  • 2017

    The city opened up to knowledge sharing and exchange, encouraging action to transform ideas into action to make our city more sustainable and more innovative.
  • 2016

    This year, the event revolved around a full programme of activities based on the innovation strategy implemented in the city.
  • 2022

    We focused on the city's paradigmatic development over the last 20-25 years to become a city with a development model based on science and innovation. This look at the past was also intended as a point of projection into the future.


What value does it provide to...

The aim is to showcase the innovation that companies, research and technology centres are carrying out in our city, and the efforts of other types of entities that are part of our rich ecosystem so as to better understand the new trends in innovation and learn about the reality and potential of the city.

Connecting talent, creating spaces for exchange, interaction forums, moving forward and exploring trends, sharing good practices and building spaces for reflection and raising awareness is the objective of WeekINN with this group.

We want to involve them in innovation and the evolution of the city, work with our youngest talent on the importance of training innovation-related skills and other cross-disciplinary skills, and introduce them to our R&D&I ecosystem, thinking in terms of the city.


Adegi | Agile-Spain | Ainhoa Fornos | Aldapeta Maria Ikastetxea | Alerion | Alianza IK4 | Altxerri Bar & Pub | Altza Institutoa | Amara Berri | Angulas Aguinaga | Antigua Luberri | San Sebastian Aquarium | Arcco Amara | Gipuzkoa Hotel and Catering Business Association | Aspegi | Axular Lizeoa | Baga Biga Faktoria | Barrabes.Biz | BCBL | Bengoa | Bide Berri | Big Van Ciencia | Biobide-Biophenix | Biodonostia | Borja Santos | Chair of Science Dissemination at the EHU/UPV | Cebanc | Ceinpro | CEIT|CEIT- IK4|CFM | Ciberes | Cibersurgery | CIC biomaGUNE | CIC nanoGUNE | Cidetec | CISCO | Cita alzeimer | City of Birmingham | City of Helnsinki | City of Oslo | City of Utrech | City of Vilnius | Official Association of Industrial Engineers of Gipuzkoa | Columbia University | COTEC | Countercraft | CSIC |CSIC DIPC | CXMeeting | Dabadaba | Deusto Business School | Deusto Forotech | DIPC | Do Play | Domotek | Donostia Kultura | Easo Politeknikoa | Ecorec | Educa Reality | Edumotion | EHU/UPV | EIDE | Ekintza | Ekomodo | Elhuyar | Emakumeak Zientzian | Enrique Rodal | Eroski | ESADE | Eskibel | Eureka! Zientzia Museoa | European Agency for SMEs (EASME) | Euskal Hack | Euskalhack | Euskarabildua | Exponential Euskadi | Eyefoi l | Eyewitness to atrocities | EHU/UPV Faculty of Architecture | FECYT | Federación Vasca de Junior Empresas (Basque Federation of Junior Enterprises) | Filmoteca Vasca | Fondo Formación Euskadi | Forotech | Ceibal Foundation | Jesús Serra Foundation | Get In | Globalmedical | Graphenea | Vocento Group | Gureak | Habic | Harvard Bloomberg City Leadership Initiative | Hirikids | Hitz | Hotel Londres | Hotel María Cristina | HSSMI | Humannova | I2U | Iainnova | Iametza | Ibermática | IDK|IE | IE Business School | IES Altza Institutua | Ikasplay|Ikor | Ikusi | Iline Microsystems | Imascono | IMFAHE Foundation | Immersia | Indicate solutions | Ingeniariak | Innovation Lab | Instituto Tecnológico Donostia | Irisbond | Iseak | Isostopy | Kirol DNA | Kirolgi | Kultur Atelier | Kursaal | La Donostiarra | La Perla | Labsland | Laia | Lainomedical | Leuko | Linqcase | Luana Games | Lucas Gortazar | Maraka | Marsi Bionics | Matia instituto | Maushaus | Microsoft España | Musika Bulegoa | Naru Intelligence | Nazaret | Nazaret Fundazioa | Nomada | Nuavis | Odisea | Open Ideo | Opinno | Orai|Ore Sports | Orma | Oroi | OSI Donostialdea | Pantallas Amigas | Peritus |Pint of Science | Polymat | Powerlabs | Raquel Roca | Real Sociedad | Real Sociedad Fundazioa | Recircular | Saber competir | San Martín Merkatua | Sara de la Rica | Horror and Fantasy Film Week | Shopss Gipuzkoa | Silvia & the Spyglass | Singularity University | Sinnple | Skootik | Gipuzkoa Photographic Society | SPIFF Corps | St. Patricks English School | Stat Diagnostica y Deepull | Steinbeis 2l GMB | Summa Aldapeta | Taba | Tabakalera | Tecnalia | Tecnun | Tknika | University of Deusto | Universiity of Seville | Pompeu Fabra University | Upgrade SME | UPV/EHU | Vicomtech | Vodaphone | Ysios | Zabala Innovation Consulting | Zubiri Manteo